3,393 research outputs found

    Synthesis and testing of analogs of Helminthosporium maydis race T toxin

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    Several analogues of Helminthosponum maydis race T toxin were prepared. The synthesis of the hydroxy diketones was accomplished by aldol condensations of 2-decanone with ketal aldehydes followed by deketalization. The dihydroxy ketone analogues were prepared by use of dihydroisoxazole intermediates. The analogues were tested and found to be less active than the parent toxin. The analogues still exhibited host specificity

    Analytical and Experimental Determination of the Coupled Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Dynamic Model of a Single-Rotor Helicopter

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    A combined analytical and experimental determination is made of the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes in the longitudinal plane of symmetry for a dynamic model of a single-rotor helicopter. The analytical phase is worked out on the basis of a seven-degree-of-freedom system combining elastic deflections of the rotor blades, rotor shaft, pylon, and fuselage. The calculated coupled frequencies are first compared with calculated uncoupled frequencies to show the general effects of coupling and then with measured coupled frequencies to determine the extent to which the coupled frequencies can be calculated. The coupled mode shapes are also calculated and were observed visually with stroboscopic lights during the tests. A comparison of the coupled and uncoupled natural frequencies shows that significant differences exist between these frequencies for some of the modes. Good agreement is obtained between the measured and calculated values for the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes. The results show that the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes can be determined by the analytical procedure presented herein with sufficient accuracy if the mass and stiffness distributions of the various components of the helicopter are known

    Membrana de Biopolímero da Cana-de-acúcar: Uma Realidade como Opção para Correção da Incontinência Urinária

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    Resumo Introdução: A cirurgia de Sling é considerada padrão ouro para o tratamento da Incontinência Urinária de Esforço. Essa técnica cirúrgica utiliza um material sintético no espaço suburetral para prover um arcabouço de fibrose e corrigir a perda urinária. A partir do melaço da cana-de-açúcar, por síntese da bactéria Zoogloea sp, obtivemos o biopolímero da cana-de-acúcar que pode ser processada em forma de membrana. Nosso objetivo é mostrar a ação do biopolímero da cana-de-açúcar comparando-o com o polipropileno, no tocante à reação inflamatória e indução da formação de fibras colágenas. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo experimental, prospectivo, controlado, tipo ensaio clínico. Utilizámos 30 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de 15 animais, que tiveram uma tela de polipropileno e outra membrana do biopolímero da cana-de-açúcar implantadas no subcutâneo da parede abdominal. Sendo esses animais sacrificados após sete e 120 dias do procedimento. Analisámos e comparámos a reação inflamatória e a deposição de fibras colágenas induzidas pelos materiais utilizados. Todas as conclusões foram tomadas ao nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: As reações inflamatória aguda e linfoplasmocitária foram maiores, nos primeiros sete dias, induzidas pelo biopolímero. Sendo essas respostas semelhantes entre os materiais após 120 dias. A deposição de fibras colágenas foi significativamente maior quando induzida pelo biopolímero, tanto após sete dias, quanto após 120 dias. Não foi demonstrada rejeição, infecção, necrose em nenhum dos animais do estudo. Discussão: A reação inflamatórias aguda e linfoplasmocitária mais intensa no biopolímero causou uma maior produção de células gigantes de corpo estranho. Consequentemente a isso, tivemos uma maior deposição de fibras colágenas induzidas pelo biopolímero sem que esse material induzisse a rejeição. Conclusão: O biopolímero no subcutâneo dos ratos, em nosso experimento, estimulou uma resposta inflamatória e um acúmulo de fibras colágenas que mimetiza o processo cicatricial ocorrido abaixo da uretra de mulheres submetidas a cura da Incontinência Urinária.Abstract Introduction: The Sling surgery is considered the gold standard for the treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence. This surgical technique uses a synthetic material in the sub urethral space to provide a framework of fibrosis and correct urinary loss. From the molasses of sugarcane by synthesis of bacteria Zoogloea sp is obtained the biopolymer from sugarcane that can be processed in the form of membrane. Our goal is to show the action of the sugarcane biopolymer compared with polypropylene, regarding the inflammatory response and induction of collagen fiber formation. Material and Methods: This is an experimental study, prospective, controlled, clinical trial type. We used 30 Wistar rats, divided into two groups of 15 animals, one had a polypropylene mesh and the other biopolymer membrane of sugarcane implanted subcutaneously in the abdominal wall. Being these animals euthanized after seven and 120 days after the procedure. We analyzed and compared the inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition induced by the materials used. Results: The acute inflammatory reaction and lymphoplasmocytary were higher in the first seven days induced by biopolymer. Being similar responses among these materials after 120 days. The collagen fibers deposition was significantly greater when induced by biopolymer, after seven days, and after 120 days. It was not demonstrated rejection, infection, necrosis of none of the animals in the study. Conclusion: The biopolymer in subcutaneous of rats in our experiment, stimulated an inflammatory response and an accumulation of collagen fibers that mimics the healing process that occurred below the urethra in women undergoing the cure of Urinary Incontinence

    Temperature Effects on Phosphorus Release from a Biosolids-Amended Soil

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effects of temperature on the potential leachable P pool and distribution of chemical P forms in a biosolids-amended soil. A P-deficient Spodosol was incubated with seven biosolids and inorganic P fertilizer at 20 and 32°C for 90 days. Amendments were applied to provide a total P concentration of 112 mg kg−1 soil, which correspond to a field application of ~224 kg P ha−1. Cumulative P mass leached during the 90 d study for any P source was <2% of the applied P, but greater cumulative P mass was released from the biological P removal and composted biosolids than from the heat-dried materials. Increasing temperature (20 to 32°C) generally decreased cumulative P mass leached, suggesting greater soil affinity to retain P at 32°C than at 20°C. In a static incubation experiment (no leaching), soil water-extractable P concentrations were reduced over time, but no temperature effect was observed. Similarly, P distribution among the various fractions was not affected by temperature. The relatively great ability of the soil to sorb P masked differences in biosolids properties and the potential impacts of temperature on P lability. Additional work using low P-sorbing soils is warranted


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    This research aimed at analyzing body practices described in the printed editions of Vida Simples magazine in 2014. Fourteen editions were analyzed under the concepts of medicalization and policies of life itself, from their place in Cultural Studies. The magazines analyzed were found to include body practices with meanings linked to a healthy simple life, permeated by biomedical discourses. Those practices were also discussed under the notion of vitality policies, but that notion could not be directly linked to the practices described in the magazine.Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las prácticas corporales descritas en las ediciones impresas de la revista Vida Simple durante el año 2014. Catorce ediciones de la revista se analizaron desde los conceptos de la medicalización y de políticas de la propia vida, en su inserción en el campo de los Estudios Culturales. Se encontró que las revistas analizadas presentan las prácticas corporales con significados vinculados a una vida simple y saludable, impregnados por los discursos biomédicos. Se discuten, también, estas prácticas a partir de la noción de políticas de la vitalidad y se observó, sin embargo, que tal noción no puede ser directamente vinculada a las prácticas descritas en la revista.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as práticas corporais descritas nas edições impressas da revista Vida Simples ao longo de 2014. Foram analisadas quatorze edições desta revista a partir dos conceitos de medicalização e de políticas da própria vida, desde suas inserções no campo dos Estudos Culturais. Constatou-se que as revistas analisadas apresentam as práticas corporais com significados vinculados a uma vida simples saudável, permeadas por discursos de ordem biomédica. Discutiramse, também, essas práticas a partir da noção de políticas da vitalidade e percebeu-se, no entanto, que tal noção não pôde ser diretamente vinculada às práticas descritas na revista.

    Conversion of furan over gallium and zinc promoted ZSM-5 : the effect of metal and acid sites

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    The addition of gallium or zinc to ZSM-5 increases the aromatic selectivity and decreases the olefin selectivity for furan conversion. Both the benzene and naphthalenes selectivities increase with small amounts of gallium or zinc addition. At 5 wt% metal loading this effect is more pronounced with zinc promoted ZSM-5 having about 25% higher benzene selectivity than the gallium promoted ZSM-5. Additionally, the decarbonylation and methane formation reactions were both increased by adding zinc or gallium to the catalyst. As zinc or gallium loading is increased, the amount of Brønsted acid sites decrease, while the quantity of Lewis acid sites increase. This effect was more pronounced with zinc, as a result of its greater effectiveness to exchange with protons at the Brønsted acid sites. The aromatic yield appears to correlate with this increase in Lewis acidity. The addition of zinc to ZSM-5 also altered the reaction chemistry occurring during the hydrolysis of furan, lowering propylene and increasing methane yields as zinc loading increased

    Extraction techniques and clean-up procedures for the determination of pahs in sediments of the Ceará coast

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    Extraction and clean-up are essential points in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) analysis in a solid matrix. This work compares extraction techniques and clean-up procedures for PAH analysis. PAH levels, their toxicological significance and source were also evaluated in the waters of the Cocó and Ceará rivers. The efficiency of PAH recovery was higher for the soxhlet and ultrasonic techniques. PAH recovery varied from 69.3 to 99.3%. Total PAH concentration (&#931;HPA) varied from 720.73 to 2234.76 µg kg-1 (Cocó river) and 96.4 to 1859.21 µg kg-1 (Ceará river). The main PAH sources are pyrolytic processes and the levels were classified as medium so that adverse effects are possible


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    Objective: to identify the spatio-temporal pattern of tuberculosis mortality and its related factors.Method: ecological study, using as unit of analysis the municipalities of the state of Ceará, Brazil, during the period from 2001 to 2017. Tuberculosis mortality was analyzed by temporal and spatial analysis techniques.Results: in the period, 1,513 deaths from tuberculosis were reported. An average annual increase of 15% in mortality was detected (95% Confidence Interval: 6.2 - 24.6). The indicators that most influenced mortality were life expectancy at birth (β=3.38), households with inadequate water supply and sanitation (β=-0.01) and probability of survival to 60 years (β=-2.26).Conclusion: this study evidenced the increase in the temporal pattern of tuberculosis mortality over the years. Care strategies aimed at treatment adherence and public health strategies aimed at improving the environment of the population should therefore be emphasized